Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Holidays

One thing I'm really enjoying about being in Seattle during the holiday season is the crisp, cool weather. It's usually a high of about 50 to 55 degrees and the trees have all changed color and now have lost their leaves.... something that southern Californians don't really get to experience fully. The beauty of true seasons!
As Thanksgiving approached, Ryan and I had the sense like "now what since we're married and we dont have any family around." This year was the first year we were together for Thanksgiving, which was great, but a bit out of place since we're in a new state. We thought about cooking a turkey dinner, but it didn't seem right just for the two of us... we like share special times with special people. So we joined some new friends from church, Justin & Katylin, for a gourmet Thanksgiving feast. They went all out and I must say, Justin made the best, most juicy turkey I've EVER had! It was a wonderful evening.
To see some pics of our feast, visit Katylin's page:

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Ryan and I went to cut down our very first Christmas tree. We drove out to Northbend where we looked at lots of tress, trying to decide which one was the perfect one to take home....
Finally we found the perfect tree.... not to small (as above) and not too big... Ryan found a perfect noble fir!

Right before Ry cut him down

There's his stump in the middle of the saw

Now Mr. Fir your coming home with us!

All growing up, I can remember spending hours with mom trying to pick out the perfect tree at Christmas tree lots in So. Cal. But nothing compares to picking out a real, live tree that's still in the ground! We kind of felt sad that we were cutting him down, but it was a great memory.

Now decorating Mr. Fir was another adventure all together. We had homemade chocolate chip cookies, apple cider, and of course Christmas music to get us in the spirit. Mom would spend hours putting on lights so I had lots of training in this area. Luckily, it only took us about an 1/2 or so to put the lights on.

Ry hanging our new stockings on our mantel

Ry putting tinsel on our tree

Our lovely tree and our first Christmas!

We had a nice evening decorating, I think we're ready for Santa to come now. Coming soon... a video our apartment for all those who have been asking! Merry Christmas!

(Btw- the red hair was an accident and now is in the correcting process of going back to brown:0)


Anonymous said...

It certainly looks like a perfect tree! When Joaquin, the kids and myself were living in New York, I made then do that the first year (go out & cut down tree)but it wasn't too much fun when you are slogging through lots of snow and it is bitter cold! But Mama wanted them to have the experience! Can't wait to see photos of your apt. Unfortunately couldn't figure out how to get into your friends site to view Thanksgiving photos. Oh well. Love, Jeana Pena

Alison said...

Looks like fun...I like the hair it's fun :) What all have you been up to?

The Momma said...

It's the most Perfect Tree! Love all the lights! My son has done an awesome job! Shanna, I see all those times of looking for the perfect Christmas Tree with Mom paid off. ;-0

The Perfect Tree for the Love Birds. Love, "The Momma"

Anonymous said...

What a cute yuletide couple. You both look so cozy and happy :) Hope you also have great bday too!